+49 176 227 697 57 khalil@dr-kermani.de

Pelvic distorsion

The pelvic distorsion in Integral Orthopaedics

A new approach to treatment of low back pain and other stress induced problems by finding and solving your individual causes of stress


From an orthopaedic point of view, pelvic distortion (PD) means twisting or counter rotation of the two halves of the pelvis, the ilia,  against each other. It usually causes irritation or blockade of the bony pelvic connections, pubic symphysis and sacroiliacal joint (SI), as well as twisting of the whole spine and entire body, with a corresponding restriction of the load-bearing capacity and tendency to spine-dependent complaints. The origin of pd is searched in other blockades of the spine, especially in the neck or in asymmetries of the legs. 

From the point of view of Integral Orthopaedics the origin of PD is a fixation in a defense mode, based on a stress-related, lacking ability to relax the vegetative nervous system as well as the fascial system with corresponding consequences not only for the locomotor system, but also for the psyche, internal organs and the immune system.


The autonomic nervous system (ANS) loses its ability to regulate between the attack or defense mode (sympathetic tone) and the relaxation and regeneration mode (parasympathetic or vagotonic tone) in the event of excessive stress and usually remains in the tension mode (sympathetic tone) (paragraphs 1a, 4 and 5).  Body and psyche can no longer relax, regulate and regenerate properly. Normal treatments only help for a short time or little. Even slight physical or psychological stress can lead to overloading.

The fascial system (FS), which is closely linked to the ANS, reacts with asymmetrical tension in the whole body, which can be recognised by a distortion of the pelvis (paragraphs 2 and 5).

In addition to the external causes of stress in everyday life, every person usually has internal stress factors or weak points that are activated by stress and reduce his or her ability to cope with stress

During the (self-) examination, the pd temporarily dissolves ,when touching an internal cause of stress, e.g. a scar, the neck or the jaw, until all internal stress factors have gradually been found and treated.

Internal stress factors that can be activated by stress, as sources of disturbance, are:

Scars and injured body regions

Overburdened body regions, that are closely connected to the ANS, so-called key zones, such as the front neck and the flank region

Strained key joints, such as the ISG, the 12th rib, the head-, foot- or jaw joints

Stressed organs, such as the intestine or liver

The energy field of the body

Externally influenced stress factors can be physical stress due to overwork, incorrect strain or lack of exercise or one’s own or others‘ emotional stress.

Integration techniques support the body’s own regulatory forces of the ANS and FS, as well as the immune system.

Treatment at least with the basic exercise (7.1.1.) must be continued daily and in the case of excessive stress several times a day. For the treatment of consequential damage to the musculoskeletal system caused by PD, ortho-bionomic exercises are shown in accordance with the individual tension pattern in order to gradually dissolve the chronic shortening and tension in the fascial network.


From the perspective of Integral Orthopaedics, pelvic distortion is the first, most important and most frequent derailment reaction of the musculoskeletal system to stress. Most of my patients show a PD and suffer from its causes as well as its effects.

PD is the result of stress-related, asymmetrical fascial tension of the whole body and, together with this, is in my opinion the basic functional cause of most of the chronically recurring back pain and all complaints related to the spine.

At the same time, the PD indicates a disturbed self-regulating ability of the autonomous nervous system (ANS) with fixation in the power mode with disturbed relaxation and regeneration ability. Our self-healing powers, including our immune system, are weakened and our body and psyche are less resilient. Complaints accumulate, the ability to cope with stress deteriorates and even otherwise successful treatments do not bring lasting improvement.

The following explanations first describe the physiological and anatomical connections of the ANS with the fascial system (FS) on which a PD is based, and then how you, yourself, or your patients or relatives can recognise your individual causes for your PD with the Integral stress test and treat them with the Fascial Integration Therapy.

As the ANS and therefore the PD can occur again and again in the event of excessive stress or contact with stressed people, regular relaxation treatment with the integration techniques described here is necessary. These support your body’s own self-regulating powers and thus promote a continuous improvement of your physical resilience, the function of your internal organs as well as your immune system and your mental-emotional oscillation ability.

The findings described here are based on more than thirty years of practical experience as an orthopaedist, sports physician, osteopath and practitioner of ortho-bionomy and more than ten years research and work with the integration tecniques. They can be reproduced at any time if the techniques are applied correctly.

For interested patients, therapists and colleagues, they are deliberately presented in more detail, as the causal relief of the autonomic nervous system supports the sustainability of other natural therapy methods in a simple way. As this method, in my opinion, represents a fundamentally new and causal approach, not only for the prevention and relief of chronic back and joint pain, but also for all stress-induced complaints and illnesses, and as it can be relatively easily integrated into everyday life or working methods by both patients and therapists, I make my findings freely available and am also happy to present them in appropriate clinics or training centres. If you incorporate these findings in your own publications and therapy concepts please give the corresponding reference.

For further information, please refer to my webside: www.dr-kermani.de  , where you find also videos and my book: Fascial Integration Therapy – New Chance against Pain. Hopefully soon videos and book will be published in English as well as other languages.  

1 Anatomy and physiology

a The autonomic nervous system

Our unconscious body processes, such as cardiovascular activity, digestion, immune defence, reproduction and cell regeneration and to a large extent our psyche are controlled by the autonomous nervous system (ANS). The ANS has a performance mode (sympathetic tone) and a relaxation and regeneration mode (parasympathetic or vagotonic tone). Excessive or prolonged stress can lead to a regulatory disorder of the ANS, initially with a persistent stress or defense mode and later with a persistent exhaustion mode.

The main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system, the vagus nerve, has a connection with the facial and inner cervical nerves and, via the „returning nerve“, with the region of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas. The vagus ends at the front in a plexus of nerves in the upper abdomen behind the navel at the transverse colon and at the back behind the sacrum.

The sympathetic nerve centres are located in the sympathetic border strand in front of the spinal column, with the centre in the solar plexus, approximately at the level of the navel.

The body reacts to every stress impulse usually with the release of stress hormones and cortisol in the adrenal gland and with an asymmetrical tension of the two central muscle fascia chains of the body. These originate at the level of the adrenal glands and the solar plexus and their hypertension mostly shows itself as a PD.  The PD was certainly useful in our prehistory as a preparation for an escape or attack reaction. However, if the stress hormones mobilised for this purpose are not used up by appropriate physical exercise or if some continue to be produced due to prolonged stress, defense mode and PD become chronic. If the origins of stress persist, e.g. residents of a physical or mental trauma are not resolved, the stress hormones and other messenger substances of the body are used up and a state of exhaustion occurs. This is shown by a lack of PD despite a corresponding stress history.After the treatment as shown below, the recovery of regulatory forces show themselves with the appearance and later disappearance of PD. 

b The fascial system

Like a dense, three-dimensional spider web, the fascial system (FS) envelops not only all our muscles and internal organs but also our vessels and nerves, including the spinal cord and brain.  Between the fascial sheaths in the so-called intercellular substance or matrix, the terminal branches of the vessels and nerves, especially the sympathetic nervous system, meet and carry information, metabolic waste products and nutrients.

The fascial system or connective tissue thus connects the whole body and enables the dynamic stability and energy-saving functioning of our locomotor system and internal organs. But it also enables our unconscious, emotional body perception and body radiance and connects these with our consciousness. It physically fulfils the prerequisite of a liquid crystal and thus for a receiving and transmitting antenna that encompasses our entire body.  As practical experience shows, fasciae can perceive, transmit and store emotions. We notice this in a cramping during stress and other unpleasant own or foreign emotions and a relaxation in a pleasant environment, through pleasant feelings and touches as well as in the frequent release of emotions during fascial release, especially that of a disturbing source.

The fasciae run in longitudinal paths along the so-called muscle-fascial meridians according to Myers from the eyebrows to the feet or hands, thereby enveloping our large body cavities and stabilising our skeleton, especially our back.

Tensions and adhesions in the course of the longitudinal fascial pathways or body cavity transformations can either have effects by interrupting the flow of energy and information or distortions of the fascial structure or as a source of interference. Stress has been proven to cause thickening and adhesion, especially of the large dorsal fascia.  Relaxation techniques, stretching, connective tissue massages such as rolfing or acupuncture have been proven to dissolve adhesions.

The integration techniques developed by the author relieve the sympathetic nervous system, both through the harmonizing and integration of disturbance foci and through central as well as local relief of the fascial system, and at the same time activate the vagus through local skin reflexes and local relaxation of stress regions.

c Interference foci and your personal stress pattern

Every human being has cell systems in his body that oscillate harmoniously in his individual oscillation pattern and usually also several overloaded or traumatically changed cell systems that no longer oscillate synchronously and thus burden the entire system as a so-called trouble spot. If this stress already leads to a chronic overload of our vegetative regulatory centres, our system initially reacts with an initially symptom-free PD. We feel somehow stiff, tense and crooked or twisted. Due to the simultaneous twisting of the spine and leg joints, their resilience is reduced and a slight overload can lead to acute or chronic tension in the area of our individual weak points especially the low back with corresponding pain.

With additional external stress, our mental regulatory capacity can also decompensate. We notice this by an increased irritability, lack of vitality and creativity as well as slight mental and physical exhaustion.

For our work, we define a source of disturbance through the partial or complete dissolution of pelvic tension.

d The importance of the navel

1. Fascial system: In the navel, all fascial strands and sheaths connect. The navel can therefore be seen as the central connecting and, as you will see, switching point of the entire fascial system.

2. Neural therapy: In neural therapy, interference foci are relieved by injecting local anaesthetics. Injection at the navel as the central focus of interference leads to a change of the entire vegetative system from stress to relaxation mode.

3. TCM: In traditional chinese medicine, the energy, the qi, is regenerated in the middle of the body and from there is channelled into the meridian circulation. The point CV 4, three  transverse fingers below the navel, is the intersection of the conception vessel, spleen-, liver-and kidney meridian and is called the gate of the original Qi. One and a half transverse finger below the navel is CV 6, the sea of energy and on the navel is CV 8, palace of the spirit.

4. Vibration theory: The Indian natural scientist, nuclear physicist, musician and mystic, Emu Mukanda, who died in the year 2000, taught about a personal keynote of each person, whose source vibrates in the navel and regarded illness as a consequence of a disturbance of this keynote.

The navel integration demonstrably relieves the entire FS and ANS by relaxing the navel, conducts blocked energy to energy-needing body regions and thereby harmonizes the individual vibration of the whole body.

2 Examination of pelvic distortion  

This way you can test on yourself or your relatives whether you have a PD, and your body is fixed in stress or defense mode and has a week regulatory capacity.

Hip flexors (iliopsoas): while lying down, pull or push both knees up to the chest as far as possible (!). The typical examination findings show a lifting of the stretched leg on the side of the shortened hip flexor (usually on the left, on the photo on the right) when the mutual knee is pulled towards the chest. 

Hip tightener (adductors): Then, while lying down, with hips and knees bent, put both feet up and check that the front iliac crests are at the same level. Then let both knees fall out one after the other. With one hand, hold the opposite iliac crest in place.

On the side of the shortened adductors (usually on the right) the spread of the bent hips is reduced.



The tension of the hip flexor and adductors can also be single or equilateral or can change in the course of increasing centring and stabilisation. In the case of lighter stress, there is often only tension in the adductors on the right side. A rest tension can also be due to a pubic joint or SI-blockade. 

And so you can test while standing to see whether a vegetative stress mode is present:

3. shoulder wringing: When standing, an asymmetrical fascial tension, which exists simultaneously or independently of the PD, is shown by a different spreadability of the arms with fixed shoulder blade, which dissolves analogous to the PD, when the ANS is relieved. Sometimes the shoulder wringing remains even after the PD has been dissolved, as an indication of a remaining source of irritation in the upper half of the body.

3 The whole body wringing (for therapists)

In the most common form of PD, with hip flexor tension on the left and hip adductor tension on the right, the whole body twists to the right. The pelvic blades are twisted forward on the left and backward on the right side, with the corresponding depression of the anterior iliac spine on the left and the posterior one on the right. This is caused by the dominant hip flexors on the left side and the dominant quadratus lumborum with the twelfth rib and the hip adductors which are closely coupled with it on the opposite side. Both associated muscle fasciae originate in the middle of the body and extend across the pelvis to the feet. Accordingly, both legs are twisted to the right, which usually leads to an opposite alignment of the leg and foot joints. Accordingly, the inner edge of the right foot is usually relieved by lifting and the left foot by lowering the 1st metatarsal.

As a result of the rotation of the pelvis, the entire trunk is also typically turned to the right in the above constellation, including the twelfth ribs.  This means that the 12th rib and ISG on the right and thus the quadratus are relieved by lifting. On the left side there is often an anterior position of the ilium and the 12th rib. However, once the fascial tension in the left quadratus has been relieved, the ISG on the left is often also relieved by lifting the ilium (posterior position).

Dislocation of the shoulder: The shoulder girdle usually shows an analogous twisting to the right with the left shoulder blade inclined forwards and the right one backwards (scapular levator) and asymmetrically restricted spreading of the arms (anterior serratus).

Neck twisting: The head is pulled to the right front by the continuation of the right adductor pull over the oblique abdominal muscles and at the same time pulled to the left rear by the continuation of the rear fascial pulls, some of which also run diagonally, and the upper parts of the head nodder, so that normally the left transverse process is prominently palpable behind the auricle. However, if the atlas is pulled to the right, this indicates an interruption of the myofascial longitudinal tracts, usually due to a blockage in the thoracic spine, mostly the third or forth rib on the right side. Therefore, before every atlas treatment, first the anterior fascial pull on the head nodder and then the posterior fascial pull on the neck extensors should be relieved.

Leg twisting: In the middle of the pelvis at the front, the pubic symphysis is always blocked and on both sides, in extension of the myofascial pathways, the tarsal joints, on the right mostly in the sense of a right turn of both feet on the left with lowering of the 1st metatarsal bone and displacement of the ankle bone forward and right vice versa. The relief is always ortho-bionomic by emphasising the pattern, as our patients then learn individually as homework.

To examine if irritation of so called key joints, such as the temporomandibular joints, the head joint with the atlas, the 12th rib with the kidney and adrenal region, the ISG and coccyx and the tarsal joints are sources of interference of the ANS that cause a PD or are consequences of the PD, you can use the integral stress test. If touching the joint gives immediate relief of the PD the joint is responsible for the stress in the ANS and the PD.  

4 Stress as a cause

Stress can overload the autonomous nervous system via the hypothalamus- pituitary- adrenal axis and because of the connection of ANS and FS lead to PD.

But it is not only excessive external stress, which is perceived as unpleasant, that burdens your system.

Most people have long suffered from internal stress due to old own trauma or living in a trauma field of their surrounding or other overburdening consequences, e.g. in the form of disturbing scars, unresolved, fascially stored emotions or frequently or permanently blocked key joints, e.g. of the upper cervicals, jaws or ankles, usually due to or associated with a chronic malposition.  Chronic overloading of your eyes or ears, your immune system, especially the almond region, e.g. due to infections, allergies or chronic diseases, or your intestines, e.g. due to malnutrition and incorrect colonisation, can also put a strain on your system.

Internal stress reduces the ability to cope with external stress and the body decompensates more quickly in the event of overload.  This can include mechanical stress, e.g. acute or chronic overloading of the back extensor (quadratus lumborum) due to lifting or cooling, sitting or standing for too long, but also due to malposition of the jaw, braces or other foreign bodies or psychological stress due to unprocessed emotions, your own or foreign.

Old traumas, but also everyday stress, can have an effect on the body’s energetic environment, the so-called aura, by storing unprocessed, emotional vibrations in the fascial system, leaving behind energetic disturbance foci which unnoticedly burden the body and psyche.

During the examination, you will recognise a focus of disturbance by the temporary dissolution of the PD:

by removing disturbing foreign bodies, such as earrings or piercings (navel !)

during direct or indirect (through the body layers) contact with disturbing scars, organs or key joints

or after relief of the aura.

During treatment, after the relief of each individual source of interference, the PD disappears immediately. However, it usually builds up again and again within a minute until all the trouble spots are relieved.

Treatment with the integration techniques not only supports fascial whole-body relaxation, as can be seen directly from the dissolution of pelvic or shoulder wrestling, but also the resolution of emotions that have not been processed, unconsciously, fascially or energetically stored.

After a treatment, however, external stress can repeatedly activate the internal stress factors by overloading the sympathetic or fascial system. In the case of emotional trouble spots, especially after trauma, this often occurs through contact with a similar emotional vibration or being in contact with an activated trauma field, often in the sense of an implied, usually unconscious „trigger“.

The renewed derailment with fixation in stress mode can easily be seen in a reappearance of the PD. However, through the exercises to be learned, especially navel integration, you can learn to relax your system again and again and increasingly deeply, thus making it more resilient in the long run.

Chronic illnesses, malnutrition or long-lasting physical, allergic, emotional or electromagnetic stress can cause a persistent regulatory disturbance of the ANS by slagging and overacidification of the connective tissue.  The PD then either does not dissolve completely or only briefly and treatment of the basic system, e.g. with a change in diet or a change in the work or life situation or an adequate medical or psychotherapeutical treatment should be sought.

5 Effects of stress and pelvic stress

The vegetative or autonomous nervous system looses its physiological regulation ability between performance and relaxation mode and usually remains in tension or defence mode (sympathetic tone), after a long period of stress possibly also in a state of exhaustion. In this case, the pelvis may also show itself relaxed despite chronic complaints. The PD then appears as a sign of a returning reactivity of the body’s own regulation in the course of the treatment and then disappears again as the pressure is relieved.

In both cases, both in the fixed and in the exhausted stress mode, the internal organs supplied by the vagus nerve, the immune and hormonal system, including the libido, suffer and due to the stress-related reduced blood circulation of the corresponding brain areas and exhaustion of the corresponding messenger substances, the emotional vibratory capacity and mental creativity as well as joy in life also suffer.

At the locomotor system, the body reacts with a continuous, mostly asymmetrical tension of the entire fascial apparatus, which is usually shown during the examination by a pelvic torsion and/or asymmetrical shortening of the shoulder spreaders.

The corkscrew-like twisting of the trunk and the functional difference in leg length, which often occurs as a consequence of or in addition to this, malposition and tension of the SI- and upper cervical joints can have an effect on the tension of the entire spinal column and all organs and regions nervously supplied by the spinal column.

The orthopaedic symptoms can range from head and neck pain with dizziness, visual disturbances, tinnitus, shoulder and arm pain, cardiac arrhythmia, chest tightness, upper or lower abdominal pain to acute and chronic back, pelvic and leg pain.

Adults quickly develop load-dependent back and often neck headaches or at least a limited ability to bear weight on the back and leg joints. Sports and fine motor skills are also impaired.

The typical initial pain in the back in the morning or after sitting for a long time often disappears with improved blood circulation to the cramped muscles through movement and heat. Pain on exertion usually increases with poor posture, especially when sitting or standing for long periods and frequent bending and heavy lifting. Due to the connection of the ANS and the FS as well as certain key joints, such as the SI with the psyche, depression and other symptoms of vegetative exhaustion usually occur, which is initially mild and then increases due to the consumption of the corresponding neurotransmitters.

Due to the flexibility of their fasciae and joints, children often have less pronounced or no physical complaints, but often already have postural problems, such as differences in leg length, back curvature (scoliosis) or psychological complaints such as behavioural problems or learning difficulties. If not treated in the right way, they will probably suffer their whole life from back problems etc..

6 The integral stress test

In order to relax your autonomic nervous system and the fascial system associated with it and thus restore its ability to regulate, you must first find out what is causing your body stress.

Our body ultimately consists of atoms and electrons that vibrate harmoniously with each other. Overloaded or traumatised body regions, however, do not resonate harmoniously and can disrupt or stress the body as a so-called source of disorder or trouble spot. You will notice this by the fact that the PD directly dissolves if you cover its inharmonic oscillation with your hand or finger, or energetically relieve the interference field.

Integral Orthopaedics present a simple, objective and easily reproducible test procedure for this purpose: PD usually temporarily dissolves while you touch a source of disorder and after the relieve of this stress factor as described below. If not so, either the store of disorder is not active or it is hidden by a energetic stress field. PD then disappears directly after dissolving the stress field as shown below. As soon as PD shows up again, the concerning source of disorder should be tested again and if necessary treated. Usually PD appears again in less than a minute as long as there are other sources or fields of disorder. 

Typical sources of disorder are the throat, the kidney or adrenal region, scars and sometimes traumatised joints or fasciae. Energetic interference fields are located in the vicinity of overloaded key zones, such as interference foci or vegetative nerve plexus or energy centers, like chacras.

Foreign bodies, such as earrings, closed metal necklaces and always a navel piercing can also disturb the body.

Primary sources or fields of disorder and interference fields are those that trigger a PD. These can be scars, key regions or key joints activated by stress or overload. To test for primary sources of disorder, place a hand or finger on the suspected source (use two hands if necessary in the case of long scars) and check whether the PD dissolves at that moment. Normally, touching the navel will always directly resolve the PD. If this does not happen, there is an energetic interference field over the navel which must first be relieved. The same often applies analogously to the cervical region or to strongly disturbing or internal scars. An energetic interference field can also be present if the primary source of disorder relaxes the pelvis when touched. In this case, however, it is not the primary disturbance. You can also test the treatment direction for the navel via the PD.

Secondary sources of disorder: If you have found and treated all primary sources of disorder, the pelvis is usually relaxed. However, there may still be less disturbing interference foci. I refer to these as secondary sources of disorder. If you touch such a secondary focus of disorder, the PD will occur again at the same time. The treatment is then carried out as described below.

Energetic fields of disorder: Touching the navel as well as an active source of disorder must always lead to a relaxation of the pelvis. If this is not the case, there is probably an energetic disturbance in the sense of a disturbance field, from the Chinese point of view a disturbance in the area of the outer „Qi“. This is treated with positions that are also used in Qi Gong. Afterwards, the PD usually dissolves permanently or temporarily and the testing of the active disturbance foci is then carried out as described above. If a strong disturbance in the area of the energy field, e.g. due to an old trauma with a huge and strong trauma field is dissolved, this can relieve the body to such an extent that it can also integrate the previously tested disturbance foci itself and these are no longer detectable as disturbance foci.

Lack of PD despite stress anamnesis: In the case of an exhaustion syndrome often you don’t find a PD despite a long stress anamnesis. If the burn out case is not too strong and there are still enough messenger substances available, touching the above-mentioned trouble spots in the sense of a controversial reaction can lead to a slight tension of the pelvic muscles. If the exhaustion is advanced, a fixed parasympathetic tone is present. The treatment involves the suspected trouble spots until the reaction returns to normal and can be continued accordingly.

Performance of the test

First of all, check whether there is a PD or part of it, like shortening of the adductors, usually on the right. The differential diagnosis is hip arthrosis with fixed restriction of movement of the hip in all directions, and for the adductors the influence of a pubic symphysis and an ISG blockade that must be excluded. A lack of fluid can also trigger a PD. If necessary, test this by drinking some water and testing again.

Then identify all the trouble spots or weak points involved in the PD one after the other.

6.1 Foreign bodies:

Jewellery: If you have any jewellery, take off earrings (possibly at the acupuncture point), a closed metal necklace (possibly disturbing by interrupting the energy flow in the meridians) or glasses with a metal temple (possibly disturbing by connecting the two halves of the brain) and then check your pelvis. A navel piercing always disturbs and should be omitted completely. The other foreign bodies may not bother you as much once you have relieved all other stress factors, because your system can usually cope with a certain level of stress. Nevertheless, I recommend taking off disturbing earrings at least at home and for sleeping. 

Tooth splints: It is best to test your bite splint first at the beginning and then again at the end of your treatment. Even if your splint relaxes the pelvis before the treatment, you may not need a splint after the treatment. If a slight, passive, lateral shifting of the lower jaw, with or without a splint, leads to a relaxation of the pelvis, practice regularly the version of navel-throat jaw integration described below and inform your dentist of your observation.

6.2. Sources of disorder:

Throat: The throat area with tonsils esp. after operation, thyroid and a lot of contact to vagus nerve is often overloaded by psychic, immunological or allergic stress. By connecting it with the navel you activate your vagus nerve indirectly by dissolving the source of disorder and directly by activating the sensitive nerves of the throat and larynx.

Flank: This is a key zone in integral orthopedics due to its proximity to the adrenal glands, kidneys, the solar plexus, the vagus plexus on the transverse colon, the abdominal and dorsal fasciae, the quadratus lumborum and the 12th rib.

Scars: Cover a scar completely with your hands and test again.  Alternatively, you can also irradiate a scar with a simple, red laser pointer for testing and treatment. Do not forget the wisdom teeth or nasal septum. Covering also works through the body layers, such as on the tonsils or an episiotomy scar.

Eyes: These are often overburdened in visually impaired people or people working at a computer, and sometimes also psychologically, and can be relieved by laying on of hands or energetically (see below). The same can also apply to the ears. If this is associated with inner ear dizziness or ringing in the ears (tinnitus), try to see if these subside when you push the ear canal in a certain direction with one finger, place the remaining hand on the upper neck and jaw region while the other hand performs the navel reflex.

Common key joints that can be active as stress points are the temporomandibular joints, the upper cervicals with the atlas, the 12th rib with the kidney and adrenal gland region, the ISG with the quadratus lumborum muscle, the coccyx and the tarsal joints.

Atlas: Place one hand crosswise under the neck or touch the transverse process of the atlas under the ear with one finger and test the PD at the same time.

Jaws: Touch a jaw joint and test the PD again. If your jaw disrupts, test the relieving shifting direction. To test a bite splint, completely relieve the pressure on your pelvis and then test the splint or put the splint in your mouth and check that the splint relieves the PD. At the dentist, you can also do the test in a standing position by relieving the strain on the shoulder (see above).

Chronic irritation: Place one hand on a chronically blocked vertebra or a chronically ill or unstable joint. Do not forget the important tarsal joints.

Traumatised joints: Embrace the entire joint (without any scar) and check that the PD does not disintegrate. If necessary, also check whether there is any energetic tension around the joint, after which the PD relaxes.

Organs: Check the interference zone via the PD and treat it with navel integration. Frequent interference zones of the organs are the intestine, liver, adrenal glands and kidneys

6.3 Energetic fields of disorder:

Energetically disturbing scars: Some sources of disorder also cause an energetic field of disorder in their surroundings. If approaching or touching a scar is already uncomfortable, look for the distance from which you feel your hand or that of your therapist in your body as an annoyance or trigger for symptoms. Then hold your hand at an angle just beyond this distance and let the pressure in your energy field flow off. Often, emotions that were not processed at the time of the trauma and have since been stored in the subconscious or fascial system are released. If you no longer feel any pressure, usually after one or two minutes, test the PD again. Usually it has disappeared

Deep, disturbing scars: If the PD is repeated despite local and energetic suppression, the disturbance can also be a deep scar or other deep fascial change. Sometimes the PD relaxes with deep touch or manual gentle shifting, and sometimes only after the energetic treatment. The treatment of peritoneal scars is particularly important.

Other energetically disturbing key zones: The strong electromagnetic activity of an interfering field can project itself not only in scars but also in other irritations up to the surroundings of the irritation zone inside and also outside the body. Especially in key zones in the fascial system, the body then usually reacts with a PD. However, this typically does not dissolve by touching the source of irritation, but only after its energetic relief. This is often also associated with emotional relief. Thus the relief of the PD can be seen as proof of the existence of a so-called aura and its interrelation with the body and the psyche.

7 Treatment with Fascial Integration Therapy (FIT)

7.1 Navel integration

The task of the navel hand:

a basic position

In all the basic techniques of navel integration, one hand lies relaxed on the stomach with the middle finger in the navel and uses the middle finger to push the navel very gently, a little bit at a time, in the direction with the least resistance, which is also the most comfortable and creates a deep breath. The navel finger then gently accompanies the resulting relaxation reaction of the navel. The ball of the hand is in the upper abdomen (connection to the vagus nerve), the ring and little fingers are on the two acupuncture points below the navel (see point 1.d.3. TCM).

The resulting relief of the fascial system probably leads to a relaxation of the sympathetic nerve endings and thus to relief of the solar plexus and the vagus nerve centre in the upper abdomen.  It is possible that previously blocked electrons are released in the fascial system, which can then be passed on to energy-requiring zones with the second hand.

The task of the second hand:

7. 1. 1. navel-neck integration

a home position

During the most important relaxation exercise for stress and infections, the forearm is placed on the chest and the second hand is placed across the neck. As a result, a relief of the vegetative nervous system can be observed through a suppression of tonsils, or almond scars and thyroid gland as well as a local stimulation of the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system, the vagus, through its connection to the inner cervical and thoracic nerves.


b) extended positions

1 navel-neck-mandibular-eye-integration

If this feels good or if the examination has shown a strain on the jaw as an indication of a possible craniomandibular dysfunction, a left or right thrust of the lower jaw can be performed simultaneously from the basic position by pushing the thumb or middle finger.  Then place both hands on the region of the jaw with the thumb under the lower jaw and gently lift or push the lower jaw in a comfortable direction. The little fingers can rest on the eyelids at the same time to relieve the eyes (see below). The hands lying on the face also have a direct effect on the ANS through the connection of the facial and jaw nerves with the vagus.


2 Umbilical-neck-breastbone integration: If this also leads to a deepening of the breath, the front of the neck can be raised slightly or moved sideways and the sternum can be tilted up or down with the forearm. The hand resting on the neck and upper thorax also has an additional relieving effect on the ANS through the connection of the sensitive neck and oesophageal nerves with the vagus.

7.1.2 Flank grip

a home position

In the first position of navel integration with simultaneous flank grip, the palm of the hand is positioned at the back on the deep lumbar muscle (quadratus lumborum) and the large dorsal fascia, as well as the kidneys and adrenal glands between the ribs and pelvis.the exercise is particularly indicated when the kidney region feels cold and is sensitive to cold. From the point of view of TCM, chronic back pain is based on kidney weakness and, from a purely functional point of view, back pain can be triggered by the quadratus lumborum through cold and overstrain, such as sitting or lying down for long periods or bending down a lot.

b Extended positions

1 Navel hand: The hand lying on the stomach pushes the abdominal wall over a large area slightly in the free direction, or in the direction of the flank hand. The free direction usually corresponds to the direction of rotation of the Bv, than mostly to the right.

2 Flank hand: With the ball of the little finger you can additionally push the lowest ribs slightly backwards and to relieve the ISG with the thumb the anterior iliac crest.


7.2 Scar integration

If the examination reveals a disturbing scar as a trigger for the Bv, you can relieve or suppress it as follows

7.2.1 Umbilical scar integration: If scars are present, they are gradually moved very gently for a few minutes by the patient or therapist with the fingertips in the pleasant direction that shows the least resistance, and thus ortho-bionomically relieved. At the same time, the patient relaxes the navel with one finger. For repeat treatment, it is usually sufficient to cover the scar with one hand and to push it very lightly in the free direction, while one finger of the other hand relaxes the navel.  Even deep scars, such as those after a mandible or perineal tear or in the peritoneum after an appendectomy or caesarean section can be corrected by placing the hand on the skin for a longer period of time and shifting attention to the depths, as shown by the dissolution of the Bv.

7.2.2 Energetic scar integration: In the case of particularly severely traumatised or very sensitive scars, the therapist’s hand, held at a slight angle, waits at the distance from the body that the patient still feels as pleasant until the slight tension between the therapist’s hand and the scar subsides, while at the same time the patient performs navel integration, preferably as a connection between the navel and the associated pain zone. The distance can vary between a few metres and about fifty centimetres, depending on the traumatisation.

The navel can also be energetically disrupted as a „primal scar“, e.g. as a result of one’s own or the mother’s stress during pregnancy or delivery, but also as a result of later emotional trauma. In most cases, touching the navel is then perceived as very unpleasant and does not directly lead to a dissolution of the pelvic torsion. . Relief is then initially provided again energetically with the hand held at an angle above the navel at a distance where the patient can just feel the hand and can still tolerate it well. Only when the pressure and the unprocessed emotions that are often associated with it have dissipated can further navel integration take place with touching the navel.

7.2.3 Scar pain zone integration: Relieving a scar also releases energy which you can direct to a pain zone with your other hand. The treatment is particularly effective if you find that which pain zone relaxes by clearing which scar, and then repeatedly connect this to the scar to provide relief as needed.


Photo: Umbilical scar integration in appendicitis scar

7.3 Pain and stress zone integration in the fascial system

Traumatised or overloaded key joints and other fascial regions can also trigger a Bv. You can recognise this by a temporary relaxation of the pelvis when they are touched. Once the pelvis is relaxed by the treatment, touching certain points can cause the pelvis to tense up again. We call these points secondary stress points. They are always important acupuncture points and their treatment will accordingly release the blocked meridian flow or the flow in the basic fascial system.

7.3.1 Pain therapy

For pain and relaxation treatment as well as preparation for further treatment, you can use a connection with the navel again, as with the flank grip.

a Neck grip: The second hand lies crosswise on the neck with the little finger on the edge of the skull and relieves the cervical spine and, via the connection with the returning vagus branch, the ANS.

b Further examples are the shoulder-neck region, the front shoulder region, the elbow or the Achilles tendon. However, organs such as the intestine or the lower abdominal organs can also be relieved in this way.

Extended position: The second hand provides additional relief as described in the following section by applying pressure at points or by grasping and slightly moving the joints in the free direction.

7.3.2 Relief of stress zones

a Eye integration: Overstraining the eyes or ears can also trigger a Bv, if a corresponding weakness is present with the use of a visual or hearing aid. To do this, test your pelvis while placing your hands on your eyes or touching your auditory canal with your fingers. To relieve the eye muscles, place both palms of your hands gently on your eyes for a while, if necessary with a gentle push in the pleasant direction. You can also connect both eyes with the navel one after the other. Often there is already a strain on the energetic environment of the eyes. To determine this, approach both palms of your hand to your eyes from the greatest possible distance. If you feel a slight tension in your eyes, or even an increase in any symptoms, open your hands slightly to allow the pressure to dissipate, and immediately afterwards check your pelvis to confirm the connection. Experience shows that regular treatment also has a positive effect on your eyesight. The energetic testing and relief of the ears is done in the same way. Both organs can also be emotionally or energetically stressed, by hearing or seeing stressful experiences or after operations.

b Other stress zones: Place your second hand wherever your body needs your attention or additional energy. Follow not only your pain signal, but also your intuition. These can also be overstrained or diseased organs, such as the liver or intestines. You can also find out whether such an overload is present by doing a stress test first. Afterwards or in between, it is a good idea to place your second hand on your heart and, if necessary, push your breastbone a little in the right direction.

7.4 Ortho-bionomic key joint or stress point integration

Ortho-bionomic relief is always in the so-called free direction, which also feels most comfortable, is the easiest to walk and usually directly induces a deep breath. The techniques presented here take into account the course of the muscle-facial connections running from the feet or hands to the skull, the myofascial meridians according to Myers. For didactic reasons, I present three key joints and their treatment for each key region.

7.4.1 Sacrum integration

The sacrum integration technique based on ortho-bionomic principles is presented for the solution of lumbar and ISG blockades and tensions of the posterior pelvic region:

1st lumbar spine and spinal column: For this purpose, the pelvic bones are raised in the prone position towards the irritated lumbar spine joint or spinal column and held until the pressure-painful tension dissolves there and is then supported at the front with a cushion.

2nd quadratus and 12th rib: If there is still tension in the lumbar muscles (quadratus lumborum) and the twelfth rib, the buttocks are pushed to the painful trigger point of the muscle and before or at the same time the twelfth rib is relieved by pushing it in the free direction, usually towards the spinal column, and on the left, if necessary also forward.

3rd sacrum region: The sacrum is then gently moved in the free direction. To do this, the ball of the hand is placed on the sacrum over the fold in the buttocks as wide as the palm of the hand and a tension point over the ISG, the gluteal muscles or at the tip of the buttocks is pressed with a finger of the other hand. If the sacrum is pushed in the right direction, the pain usually disappears over



7.4.2 Atlas integration

1 To relieve the anterior muscle-facial connections, especially the head nodder, place a high pillow under the head and push first the left ear, then the right ear towards the sternum.

2 To relieve the occipital muscles and posterior fascial reins and to centre the atlas, place a flat cushion under the upper thorax. With one finger, palpate the tip of the atlas, which is usually prominent on the left, in a small hollow under the ear and with the other hand stretch your head („smoothing out your forehead wrinkles“) so that you no longer feel your palpation finger on the transverse process of the atlas. Hold this position for a while and repeat the procedure on the right if there is also a pressure pain to be felt there. Then one hand stays crosswise under the neck with the small finger side under the occipital bone and the other hand relieves the navel.



3. you can relieve the remaining cervical vertebral joints by turning and pushing the head towards the pressure-painful joint. For the lower cervical vertebrae, start the push from the cervical vertebrae turned to the opposite side.

7.4.3 Pelvis-hip integration

1. find the symphysis or pubic symphysis by pressure from above, at the front on the middle of the pelvic bone In the Bv, the pelvis twists around the symphysis, leaving a pressure-painful tension, with an effect on the two posterior pelvic joints, the ISG, as well as the pelvic floor and, via the adductors, on the knees and, via the abdominal fasciae, on the shoulder-neck region. To relieve the pain, lift one leg over the painful point on the pubic bone or the painful joint or place a cushion under the half of the pelvis, the elevation of which relieves the pressure pain. You can also relieve the symphysis already during navel integration, preferably at least before ISG treatment, by placing a cushion under the buttocks.


2nd hip joint: Not only a strained back extensor or hip flexor or a blocked ISG, but also a „dislocated“ hip joint can be responsible for pain in the buttock area and a functional leg length difference, in this case for an apparent leg extension. The treatment is first carried out after the spine has been removed by stretching the leg bent at right angles in the hip and knee against the resistance of a ligament which is guided around the thigh close to the hip and held upwards from both sides

(e.g. bathrobe belt or Terraband).


Then lean your leg, bent in hip and knee, against a wall or your partner and push the femoral head into the socket from the side.

3. an important key point in the anterior fascial system, not only for pain in the groin area, is also the anterior iliac crest region as the connecting point of knee extensors, hip flexor (iliac muscle) and oblique abdominal muscles. Relief is provided by pushing the legs bent in the hips and knees towards the groin. To do this, place your calf on the opposite side of the knee and pull your knee towards the groin, using a towel or Terraband if necessary. You will feel the relief in the form of a reduction in the pressure pain on the front iliac spine.


7.4.4 Knee integration

If you have knee pain, place a roll under the thigh and test whether a pressure pain on the inner knee joint gap (1) and on the outside of the fibula head ( 2) is relieved more by pushing it backwards or forwards and hold this position. You can also relieve the knee from the position mentioned under c 3. Position the towel accordingly over the kneecap or shin. If the head of the calf bone is different from the shin bone, you may need to use your fingers to push it in the free direction.



7.4.5 Foot integration

The fascial longitudinal tracts are anchored to the tarsal bones and from there form the arch of the foot as „stirrups“. Tension in the arch of the foot can also be responsible for Bv or back or neck headaches.  Test the joint at the upper end of the 1st metatarsal in the middle of the inner edge of your foot (1) (connection to the 12th rib) and the outside of your heel (2) (connection via the fibula to the ISG and 5th lumbar vertebra joint) for the presence of pressure pain and relieve it by passively raising or lowering the arch of the foot (1) or pushing the heel forward or backward (2). In the typical full-body twisting, the inner edge of the foot on the left often wants to be relieved backwards and on the right mostly upwards, and the heel on the left mostly forwards and on the right mostly backwards. Just before the outer edge of the heel is the cuboid bone (3). In the case of pressure pain, relieve this too by pushing either the cuboid bone or the adjacent prominent base of the 5th metatarsal in the free upward or downward direction.


7.4.6. Upper chest integration

The Bv continues upwards into a twisting of the ribcage.

The joints of the upper and middle thoracic spine (LWS) are palpated like the lumbar spine joints in the groove next to the middle of the spinal column (spinous process row) and relieved by lifting the shoulders of the same or opposite sides.

2. press the painful ribs at the front of the sternum edge from behind directly next to the spine and just beside it with your finger forwards, so that the tension at the sternum joint is released.

3. feel the first rib at the side of the neck-shoulder angle and relieve it by pushing the outwardly turned, laterally spread arm towards the rib.


7.4.7 Shoulder integration

When under stress, we usually unconsciously pull the shoulders up by tensing the shoulder blade lifter (1, levator scapulae), which is located at the upper, inner corner of the shoulder blade. To relieve the strain, push and tilt the shoulder blade up or down in the direction that reduces pressure pain there. Very often the trigger point of the lower shoulder bone muscle ( 2, infraspinatus ) in the middle of the shoulder blade is activated and can be responsible for neck, head and arm pain.  You can relieve it by pushing the elbow bent backwards towards the point.  The continuation of the fascial chains of neck and shoulder blade goes via the sawtooth muscle ( 3rd serratus ) to the upper eight ribs. In case of pressure pain at the edge of the shoulder blade, push the ribs from the front towards the shoulder blade when lying sideways.


7.4.8 Arm integration

1. collarbone: The arm only has a bony connection to the skeleton with the collarbone. You can relieve the pressure on the collar bone by tilting the sternum up or down and on the shoulder blade by pushing the elbow up or down against resistance.

2. spoke head: The most important joint-like connection for the arm fascia is the connection between the spoke head and the ulna. If you feel pressure pain, push them either forward or backward.

3. to relieve the front shoulder muscles, especially the biceps, and in the case of limited shoulder spread, pull the front shoulder muscles towards the chest with the opposite hand and relieve the navel with the other hand.


7.5 Energetic and emotional key zone integration

7.5.1. everyday stress

To relieve the emotional stress of everyday life, both hands should be brought closer together in a circle to the stress zone in question, e.g. above the head, in front of the neck and chest area or in front of the stomach, to the edge of the boundary where pressure on the body can be felt and held open to the front so that the excessive tension can be released. When relieving the tension, one can often feel exactly what emotional stress is being released. Often it is other people’s problems or worries that have come into resonance with our fascial system and are now unconsciously burdening us. It is recommended that this relief is carried out before the other integration techniques. The photo shows the distance between the hands after the energetic stress cloud has already shrunk significantly. At the beginning the arms usually form a larger circle.


7.5.2 Traumas

Traumas often leave traces in the connective tissue, especially in scars and fasciae, but also often in the body’s energy field, the so-called aura. You can recognise an energetic stress in the area surrounding the body by slowly approaching a hand to the presumed stress zone and staying with the hand slightly inclined just beyond the point where the approach of the hand is no longer perceived as unpleasant.

During trauma treatment, this distance can sometimes be many metres and diagnosis and treatment is then only possible with a partner or therapist. Emotions that are released will then give an indication of what has affected you. In this way, Integral Treatment helps you to become aware of, release and integrate the emotions that were repressed at the time of the trauma or stress. As a result, you will not only be able to recover your fascial and emotional vibrancy, but also your overall resilience. The examination immediately following the treatment will not only show that your pelvis is always relaxed. Often the relief of the system is so comprehensive that none of the previously identified sources of disturbance cause any more disturbance.

8 Other stress consequences of overloading the autonomic nervous system

The vegetative nervous system controls all unconscious bodily functions, such as cardiovascular or intestinal and glandular activities, but also brain circulation and cell regeneration. The regulation between performance mode or sympathetic tonus, as well as relaxation mode or parasympathetic mode, for example. Vagotonus takes place via the vegetative nerve plexus in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus and via the adrenal glands.

The transmission of internal body information takes place both via the nervous system and hormonally via the bloodstream, as well as via the interstitial substance, the so-called basic system according to Pischinger and the fascial network.

Fasciae, as thin connective tissue skin, cover all organs and muscles. The navel plays a central role as the most important frontal suspension point of the fascial system with reference to the stress organs and the solar plexus in the upper abdomen as well as the large dorsal fascia. Excessive stress can lead to a regulatory disorder of the autonomic nervous system.

Possible consequences outside the musculoskeletal system are a weakened immune system, arteriosclerosis and an increased risk of heart attack, gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic fatigue, loss of libido and other psychosomatic illnesses as well as an accelerated aging process. The integration techniques can thus support any other therapy, including psychotherapeutic therapy.  A change in diet, orthomolecular treatment, acupuncture on the basis of TCM or neural therapy can also be helpful in freeing the flow of energy and purifying the connective tissue basic system.

9 The pelvic vault as an indicator of stress

Whenever your body’s autonomic nervous system is excessively stressed, your hip muscles tense up in the sense of a complete or partial pelvic torsion. It does not matter whether it is psychological or physical stress. For example, unconscious limping after a foot dislocation, allergenic exposure to pollen, house dust, mites or food, an unfavourable position in bed, prolonged, excessive exposure to radiation through electrosmog, but also conscious or unconscious annoyance can lead to pelvic dislocation.

If you regularly test your pelvic muscles as described above, you will be able to identify what causes you stress and when you should carry out your navel and possibly scar integration again.

10 Aftercare

The regular performance of navel and scar integration, especially after stress, supports the relaxation and thus the regulation ability of the autonomic nervous system. Clinically, this is shown by the dissolution of pelvic torsion and relaxation of painful muscle tension and therapeutically by an improved responsiveness to treatment offers such as manual therapy, acupuncture etc. as well as a stabilisation of the state of relaxation and health.

Because only in a state of relaxation do the body’s self-healing and regulatory forces and the immune system function harmoniously. This means that the body recovers more quickly and becomes more efficient and experienceable.

You should ensure that you drink enough before and after the treatment, as well as a relaxation phase after the treatment, in order to give space and time to released emotions and the body’s regulatory reaction, and to give your battery time to recharge itself with messenger substances.

Disturbing foreign bodies should be largely omitted, especially at night.

At least the navel integration with front neck and flank grip should be improved, in particular by therapy

Further information on our website under Integral Orthopaedics and in the books:

New chance against pain – fascial integration therapy

coming soon with an accompanying video

and probably from 2021 in the textbook of Integral Orthopaedics: Healing from the body’s centre

and in our seminars for patients and therapists

You can find an ortho-bionomic therapist in your area as well as information on training in Ortho-Bionomy at the German Society for Ortho-Bionomy at www.dgob.info.

and the German Institute for Ortho-Bionomy www.0rtho-bionomy.de