+49 176 227 697 57 khalil@dr-kermani.de

Integral sacral integration offers a simple solution on an ortho-bionomic basis to relieve tension and blockages in the lumbar spine and in the SI joint, sacroiliac joint and posterior hip area.

After resolving the fascial components of a pelviv twisting painful irritations or often remain in the joints involved, especially the pubic symphysis and the SIJ.

1. Pubic symphysis:

A pressure sore in the front center of the pelvis indicates irritation of the pubic symphysis. This can contribute to tension in the pelvic floor and the SIJ. In the TCM system, our central energy circulation is interrupted, which runs around the torso and head in the middle of the body.

In principle, ortho-bionomic relief of all joints is always carried out in the free direction, which is easier and more comfortable and relieves the pressure pain over the joint.

To relieve the pubic symphysis in the supine position, you can either
slightly lift the left or right pelvis with your fist or a pillow and/or
twist both halves of the pelvis against each other and/or
push a pubic bone that is higher towards the head a little higher.

2. Sacroiliac joint:

First check both SI joints for tenderness with your palpation finger while lying on your stomach.
You will find the SIJ in a hollow at the top, next to the buttock crease.

a. Ileum::If there is pressure pain over the SIJ or in its vicinity, try to see whether pushing the lateral pelvic bone or ilium towards the abdomen or lifting it will reduce the pressure pain.
The right ilium usually wants to be lifted, corresponding to the „posterior position“ with shortened hip abductors.
The SI joint on the side of the shortened hip flexor, i.e. usually on the left, still needs a forward push of the pelvis as long as the pelvis is still twisted. Later, it usually also enjoys a lift. You can also use a firm cushion or a soft ball for this.
Then, if this is comfortable, both pelvic bones, or just the right one, are supported at the front with a cushion. This pushes the ilium slightly backwards.

b. Saacrum:
The sacrum is then gently shifted in the most comfortable direction. To do this, place the little finger edge of the ball of the hand in the upper part of the gluteal fold on the sacrum and press a tension point in the gluteal muscles or above the edge of the pelvis with a finger of the other hand. If the sacrum is pushed in the right direction, the point of tension usually disappears. First push upwards or downwards and hold for a few minutes. If there are still pain points above the sacroiliac joint or in the buttocks, a lateral shift and possibly also a rotation is performed.

3. Twelfth rib and quadratus lumborum:
A painful blockage of the 12th rib is also very important for the lumbar spine. The quadratus lumborum, which is mainly responsible for back pain, runs from there to the pelvis. The small 12th rib is located under the costal arch near the spine. In the most common form of pelvic twisting, which is associated with a right twist of the whole body, it is usually pushed backwards to the right towards the torso and forwards to the left towards the abdomen and held gently for 1-2 minutes in each case. At the same time, to relieve the quadratus lumborum, the pelvis can be pushed towards the chest with a slight tilt of the trunk to this side.

4. Coccyx:
A tense coccyx is a significant obstacle to sustained relief of both the back and the autonomic nervous system and therefore the whole person. The cause is usually traumatic due to a fall on the coccyx or an overwhelming, traumatic event with blockage of the posterior vagus center at the level of the sacrum.
Coccyx pain (coccygodynia) is treated via the sacrum with simultaneous pressure of the fingertip on the coccyx. The tip of the coccyx is gently pressed forward and the sacrum is held in the pain-relieving position with the other hand. As a rule, the coccyx relaxes by tilting the sacrum downwards and sometimes slightly to the left or right. The coccyx gently pushes the finger away and a very pleasant full-body relaxation occurs, combined with a pleasant warmth.
If the free treatment direction for the SIJ has previously been upwards, this is an indication of tension in opposite directions, which the body cannot release on its own and which can only be released one after the other.
If the coccyx does not release, there may be a disorder in the inner or outer aura of the sacrum. In order to recognize and release an inner displacement of the aura, different directions of the sacral displacement are visualized. As a rule, the coccyx releases directly as soon as the more easily imaginable, free direction is visualized.
If the tension remains, the second hand can be stretched out widely in the extension of the coccyx and then the hand held in the direction of the coccyx can be slowly approached until the patient perceives it.
A blocked thoracic vertebra or, in rare cases, other irritations can also be the cause of persistent coccyx tension. In any case, the situation in the spine improves significantly as soon as the coccyx is relaxed again.

5. piriformis:
Pain in the lower buttock area that radiates downwards can also be caused by tension in the piriformis muscle or the posterior hip ligaments, which run from the sacrum to the hip bone. First, the painful ligamentous insertions on the lateral edge of the sacrum are relieved by lifting the opposite iliac crest. The most relaxed position for the piriformis is then sought by rotating the flexed lower leg and holding the lower leg there. The sacrum and hip bones are then pushed together. The latter also applies to posterior hip pain, with pressure pain on the large rolling hill, which occasionally occurs with bursitis.

6. Lumbar spine:
The joint between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum (L5/S1) usually relaxes by lifting and pulling the opposite leg over.
All other joints of the lumbar spine or lumbar spine relax by lifting the edge of the pelvis in the direction of the blocked joint. Normal blockages are usually released in less than a minute, chronic ones can take several minutes. The position is held with the touch finger on the respective joint until no more reaction can be felt under the finger and there is clear relaxation and complete freedom from pain.

7. Thoracic spine:
For ortho-bionomic treatment of the thoracic spine, the same or opposite shoulder or rib region is raised in the prone position until the respective pressure pain on the spine disappears and this position is held for 1-2 minutes.

To release the SI joint blockage and vertebral genesis independently without the help of another practitioner, after performing the umbilical reflex, it is helpful to first alternately and then possibly bilaterally support the patient with a pillow for a few minutes. At the same time, the sacrum and possibly also the coccyx can be held in a comfortable direction with one hand and visualized if necessary.