+49 176 227 697 57 khalil@dr-kermani.de


Daily practise

These exercises can help you to reset your body and mind when they are fixed in a stres or fight and flight mode and thus improve your reliance for daily stress. At the beginning I recommend to practise them completely to release old stress and trauma. Later atleast the aura release and the  navel-neck integration should be practised daily, if necessary, even two or tree times a day, f.i. after work or school, before a important performance, before yoga, sports or meditation and before sleeping. The navel-scar integration and sometimes the trauma field release are necessary in the beginning and after being triggered by a heavy or similar to your ancient trauma or stress.
You can find more instructions on my webside, in my book and in german on YouTube.

Aura relief

You should start with this exercise, if you feel very stressed or the stress test shows no releif of your pelvis when touching your navel or neck or your hand feels uncomfortable touching your frontal neck or your navel. 

Spread your outstretched arms out wide to the sides as if you wanted to embrace a huge cloud.

Observe whether and when the atmosphere between your hands feels a little denser and somehow weighed down. When lying down, your arms will feel heavy. Stay at this boundary for about one to two minutes so that your „stress cloud“, which is open to the front, can slowly empty together with any unprocessed emotions that may be held in it.

If afterwards your hand feels still uncomfortable on your neck or navel or there is no relief in this way, your stress cloud or your interference or trauma field is probably larger than your arms. Then you probably need the stress and traumafield exercise first.


Touch your navel with the middle finger of one hand and hold it very gently in the softest direction.

Place the other hand flat on the front of your neck and observe the relaxation reaction for a few minutes.
You can put your second hand wherever you feel, you have pain or tension or a lack of energy, like your kidneys or a scar. Start always with your frontal neck ( Navel-neck integration).

If touching your navel or neck is unpleasant, if you have a thick neck, so to speak, if you feel stressed or emotionally burdened or if the stress test indicates an aura burden, please perform aura relief first. 


Touch a scar very softly with the top of your fingers and move it very softly in the more comfortable and easy direction. With a finger of your other hand relax your navel. You can also lay your other hand on a referring area of tension or pain, like the dorsal neck. It is very important that at least in the beginning you release all ! scars, including the unseen ones, if not youcannot expect a longing effect or you might even feel worse afterwards. 

As a help for the beginning and in between you can also use a laserpointer to release your superficial scars and irritations.

Aurareleif of scars and inner beloaded zones 

Often scars or other traumatised parts in our body have a beloaded energetical field and unless we resolve this, we receive no lasting effect. 

You approach your hand or if possible your partner does it, from a distance about one half to one meter until you feel a tension in your body. Than you open the angel of your hand so that the tension decreases and desappeares.

And you can relieve and harmonize the inner aura of a irritated articulation, often the heart ribs, an inner scar or other traumasied zone by placing your fingers or your hand close to it and going very mindful without any intention into the depth with your perception until you reach the traumatised zone. As a next step you can move your energy into the pleasent and easy direction. Thus you can also work on your sacrum or sternum. 

Relief of a stress or trauma field with a partner

Your partner points his/her flat hand at you from a great distance and approaches you slowly if necessary. You observe whether and when you perceive this in any way. Exactly at this point, between being pushed away and being pulled towards the hand, before it becomes uncomfortable, your partner opens your stress or trauma field by turning away from you a little.

Stay with them for one or two minutes and observe their physical and possibly emotional reactions.

Visual relief of a large stress or trauma field

If no partner is available, you can also try to imagine that your own hand is coming towards you from a great distance. At the distance that becomes uncomfortable, open both in your imagination up there prolonged arms and stay in this position for a while. Observe the reactions of your body and emotions.